Main achievements
We have more than 40 years of history and it is important to know the basics.
This timeline begins with our oldest accomplishments and continues with our most recent ones.
Some dates are accompanied by an image, by clicking on it you will find more information.
We hope you will enjoy traveling through our history!

Participation in special consultations and public hearings on Bill 84, " Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery”
Realisation of the panel « Harassment in the workplace: results and prospects » as part of GAIHST’s 40th anniversary
Participation in special consultations and public hearings on Bill 176
Participation in the working and revision committee for the third edition of the "Information Guide for Victims of Sexual Assault for the Montreal Sexual Assault Issues Table”
Prize winner: Partner of the best practice environments awarded by the School of Criminology at the Université de Montréal
GAIHST Brief filed with the Committee on Labor and the Economy as part of the special consultations and public hearings on Bill 176, An Act to amend the Act respecting labor standards and other legislative provisions in order mainly to facilitate family-work reconciliation
Increased requests for awareness sessions for alleged harassers
The GAIHST was present as a panelist.
Strong media demand in the fall due to a wave of reports of harassment and sexual assault around the world and the #moiaussi movement
Meeting with the Minister of Labor, Ms.Vien, in order to make comments in the framework of the ongoing consultations in June 2017 for the reform of the law on labor standards. This meeting took place with the FDNS
Project initiated by the Committee on Psychological Harassment of the Non-union Defense Front (FDNS), of which GAIHST is part
Article from the International Women's Day Help Group that highlights the courage of women who report sexual harassment
Participation and presentation of a brief to the Sexual Assault Forum to define the orientations of the Third Government Action Plan on Sexual Assault.
Training with members of the National Assembly of Quebec: "The reality surrounding victims of workplace harassment"
Strong media demand following various denunciations surrounding Quebec and Canadian news (2014-2015)
Reflection from the Assistance Group in Response to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's Action on Allegations of Sexual Harassment
Testimony of GAIHST before the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women
Official launch of the video: "Harassment at work, prevent and manage"
Testimony in the Ottawa House of Commons to Comment on Bill C-42, Amending the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (2012)
Souvenir notebook «30 years of fight against harassment at work in Quebec»(
Presentation of a training to investigators from the Commission des normes du travail
Participation of Ms. Bonnie Robichaud at the video «Climb the Sexual Hill Harassment in the Workplace»
Guest speakers at the symposium “At the heart of rights” Organized by the Quebec Association Advocacy-Victims (AQPV)
Guest speakers at the symposium “Safe, Respectful & Inclusive Workplaces” Held in London, Ontario
Invited Speakers at the CAVAC Provincial Symposium entitled "Victim services from today to tomorrow"
Guest speakers to the 6th International Conference on Psychological Harassment at Work, Université du Québec à Montréal
Tribute “Everyday Hero” to Mrs. Bonnie Robichaud, Honorary Member of GAIHST, by the Center for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children (2008)
Open house of the GAIHST in the context of Community Action Visibility Week
Participation in the working and revision committee for the “Information guide for victims of sexual assault” for the Montreal Sexual Assault Issues Table
Participation of GAIHST as a speaker at the Insight Symposium whose topic was "The victim at the heart of the complaint process: how to help him"
Participation of GAIHST in the project LEAF (Fund for Action and Legal Education)
Reprint of GAIHST brochure presenting its new colors
Award ceremony “Alice” to GAIHST for its involvement in promoting non - violence at work
Production of a poster representing in pictures our new mission (2006)
Collaboration with the realization of the video « Making a difference, rethinking the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace»
Presentation of a memorandum on the Montréal charter project at the Montreal Public Advisory
"Prevent and manage workplace harassment complaints"
Participation in the forum “The future of Quebec women: issues to be clarified” organized by the Secretariat for the Status of Women, Quebec City
Speech on the occasion of the conference “Harassment and violence at work” organized by Infonex in Montreal
Invited guest speakers at the Occupational Health and Safety Nurse Symposium in Montreal
Participation at the FRONT conference (Women grouped in non-traditional options)
Realization of the notebook 20th anniversary of GAIHST special edition
Invited guest speakers at « The Way Forward, Rethinking the Problem of Worplace Sexual Harassment » held in London, Ontario
Collaboration with Vidéo - Femmes for the realization of the video entitled « Bas les pattes »
Invited guest speakers at the 12th annual conference of the Canadian Association against Sexual Harassment in Higher Education (ACCHSMES) in Halifax, Nova - Scotia
Invited guest speakers at the 6th Annual Conference of the « Sexual Assault and Harassment on Campus Safe Schools Coalition » in Long Beach, California
Meetings in Paris at the invitation of AVFT and representatives from France, Belgium and Switzerland (ministries, organizations and unions)
Publication of the 2nd french edition, review and update, of the book: " It's not part of the job! in Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa
Organization of the first Quebec symposium on sexual harassment in the workplace, with the theme "The benefits of implementing internal corporate policies in Montreal”
Participation in the design of the interactive and educational play "The silence of others", presented by Parminou Theater. This piece was inspired by files handled by GAIHST
Participation in the design of the play " Mental health between you and us ... when madness gets involved", Presented by the Circus of the Full Moon, Montreal
Collaboration with Employment and Immigration Canada to produce a training video for their agents on the implications of the Act C - 105
Guest Speakers at the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CCDP) Symposium, Ottawa
emory “The Stalking Law” Bill C-126 ( harassment criminal )
Participation in the symposium organized by the Center for Research -Action on Race Relations (CRARR) on racial harassment, held in Montreal
Participation in the design of Ms. Janette's Bertrand drama, entitled “It's not part of the job! As part of the television series Love with a Big A (broadcasted on Radio-Québec in 1992, rebroadcast in 1996)
Reception of a French Mission within the framework of the activities of the Permanent Commission for Franco-Quebec Cooperation (CPCFQ)
Active participation in the Québec Justice Summit and presentation of measures concerning the diversion of sexual harassment cases and the legal liability of employers
Organization of a vast awareness campaign in Montreal on sexual harassment at work with women from cultural communities
Recognition by the Unemployment Insurance Commission of Canada (CAC) that sexual harassment is a sufficient ground for voluntary leaving
Conception and realization of the first Quebec intervention guide on sexual harassment at work, «It's not part of the job!» Editions La Pleine Lune.
Presentation to the Justice Committee of the House of Commons of a memorandum on the study of Bill C - 126 dealing with harassment
Presentation to the Parliamentary Commission of the Institutions of the National Assembly of Québec of a memorandum on the operation of the Quebec Human Rights Commission
Guest Speakers in Paris at the Symposium of the European Association Against Violence Against Women at Work (AVFT)
Video Design «It is not part of the job!, a production of the Resource Center of the 3rd Avenue and Vidéographe, Montreal
Recognition by the Commission for Occupational Health and Safety in Quebec (CSST) of sexual harassment as a cause of an accident at work
Organization of an awareness week on sexual harassment at work for community centers in the Montréal region.
Investigations of harassment in the United States and Canada and interviews with victims of harassment.