Become a member
As a member
- Support victims of harassment in the workplace and, consequently, support us to pursue our goals;
- Are informed about our activities, the development of our projects, as well as research related to sexual harassment in the workplace;
- Share a cause that is important to you with people who are sensitive to the same cause.
Annual cost: $10

Application form
- You will have access to the annual activity report;
- You will receive a membership card;
- You will receive the Info-GAIHST, the organization’s internal newsletter, four times a year;
- You will be invited to all GAIHST activities;
- You could volunteer at GAIHST activities;
- You could attend our coffee meetings and thus benefit from the expertise of our speakers;
- You could get discounts on promotional items from GAIHST;
- You will be invited to the GAIHST Annual General Meeting;
- You may be called upon to represent the GAIHST or people who have experienced harassment at work during various activities;
- You will share a cause that is close to your heart with people who are sensitive to this same cause.
The different categories of members
Any physical person interested in the objectives and activities of GAIHST, who conforms to the standards of admission established, from time to time, by resolution of the Board may become an active member of GAIHST. request and that the Council grant him this status. Active members have the right to participate in all activities of the Help Group, to receive notices of meetings of members, to attend these meetings and to vote. Only active members in good standing for at least three (3) months may become eligible for the position of administrator of the Help Group, except for the reasons provided for in Article 6.
Any company or corporation interested in the objectives and activities of GAIHST and which complies with the established admission standards may become a corporate member of GAIHST. The corporate member has the right to be represented by a physical person designated in writing. The physical person who represents the corporation is eligible for the Council after three (3) months as a member in good standing. This representative attends and votes at meetings of members on behalf of the corporate member. The corporate member may revoke and replace its representative. The representative of the corporate member loses his rights if the corporate member is no longer in good standing.
Any community center interested in the objectives and activities of GAIHST and who meets the established admission standards can become a community member of GAIHST. This center has the right to be represented by a physical person whom it designates in writing. This representative attends and votes at meetings of members on behalf of the community member. The community member can revoke and replace his representative. There is automatic withdrawal of the representative in the event of the community member who designated him. Several representatives of the same organization may attend meetings and have the right to speak, but only one has the right to vote. In the event of the departure of these members, their replacement is left to the discretion of the Council.
It is open to the Council, by resolution, to appoint as an honorary member of GAIHST, any physical person who has rendered or may render service to GAIHST by her or his work or her or his donations or who has demonstrated its support for the objectives pursued by GAIHST. Honorary members can participate in the activities of GAIHST and attend member meetings. Honorary members are eligible to vote and are eligible as administrator of GAIHST after three (3) months as a member in good standing.
It is open to the Council, by resolution, to appoint as an honorary member for a limited term, any physical person who has rendered or may render service to GAIHST by her or his work or her or his donations or who has shown their support for the objectives pursued by GAIHST. Honorary members of a limited duration may participate in the activities of GAIHST and attend meetings of members. They have the right to speak, but not the right to vote. They are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors of GAIHST.
Any auxiliary person, sympathizer, benefactor of GAIHST and, if applicable, who pays equal or different dues to it than those of active members, may be an associate member if they comply with all the standards for admission established. This member is not eligible for the Board and does not have the right to vote at meetings of members. On the other hand, he has the right to attend and speak.