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Here are some of GAIHST’s publications.

Animation section publications

Books and other documentation

How to achieve a gender-inclusive vocabulary at work?

This guide was created as part of the project "Sexual harassment: it's not part of the job" funded by the Department of Justice Canada.

Research: "Workplace Harassment - The Experience of Non-Unionized Workers"

Date of publication: July 5th 2018 ​ ISBN number of electronic version: 978-2-9812834-5-0

Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victims (2007)

A project of Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal - Work and revision: Diane Vallée, CALACS de l’Ouest de l’Île Nathalie Brault, Clinique pour les victimes d’agression sexuelle de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal Marie-Hélène Blanc, Association québécoise Plaidoyer-VictimesDeby Trent, Centre pour les victimes d’agression sexuelle de MontréalYvonne Séguin, GAIHST
"This information will be a useful tool for you and your family and friends, whether the sexual assault occurred recently or a number of years ago. This guide is intended for adult women and men, regardless of ethnic origin, culture, age, religion, sexual orientation, or physical and mental abilities. "
Consult the guide


Seven years after the first publication, the revised and updated version of Ça fait pas partie d’la job! has been translated and is available for the first time in English. It is entitled IT’S NOT PART OF THE JOB! and is an outstanding guide to intervention and information which is a must to have as reference material.
Whether you are personally faced with such a situation or simply interested in this issue, our book will respond to your most pressing questions and provide you with efficient alternative strategies. Developed from over 15 years of experience of the Help and Information Center, it focuses on the following aspects: The forms of sexual harassment in the workplace; The consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace; Alternative strategies; The Unemployment Insurance Act; And a few files dealt by the Help and Information Center.


Strategies to eliminate sexual harassment.

Pamphlets - French only

Image d'un dépliant pour la section publications

Ça fait pas partie d'la job! (1986)


Animation d'une vidéo pour la section publications

Expert panel (2020) - French only

Le harcèlement au travail : bilan et perspectivse d'avenir

Animation d'une vidéo pour la section publications


This video deals with the issue of sexual and psychological harassment in the workplace and is intended mainly for people in charge of small and medium businesses. Its content emphasizes the importance of implanting and applying internal policies. Available on DVD and Bluray.

Image d'une vidéo pour la section publications


Produced by Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes in collaboration with the Centre for Research on Violence Against Woman and Children and the participation of GAIHST.

Image d'une vidéo pour la section publications

Bas les pattes (1997) - French only

Director: Lise Bonenfant This documentary is made to sensitize the population on the importance of keeping our workplaces harassment free and how to act to eliminate sexual and psychological harassment in the workplace.